First tests with the rotor mounted to a handhold showed that the rotor is coming into auto rotation quite well. I can't say if the generated lift will be sufficient. It could be tight.
I managed to produce a first damage. During a rotor test with the rotor mounted on the model the unpowered pitch servo ran into its end position which lead to a collision between the rotor blades and the vertical stabilizer. The stabillizer was beaten off without further ado. Some CA glue helped to repair the damage in no time.
Today I made first rolling tests. They ran stunningly successful. The rotor is accelerating nice and seems to produce pretty good lift. It was enough for a first hop to 20cm over ground. For lack of room to lift off (school yards are always too small) I had to take back throttle which made the model tilting to the side. The rotor blades have put this away astonishingly good. To ease slewing away the rotor blades when hitting the ground I have countersunk the screw heads now:
Today, September 3rd 2010, I was able to successfully complete maiden flight at very quiet conditions. This piece is really performing well. The very first flight didn't look too nice due to diverse oversteering maneuvers. But it could be finished ok. Only one wheel fixation didn't make it through the outlanding. For the first flight no big differencies are visible between before and after:
The second flight passed really well. Quiet maneuvers, good steerability after getting used to it, everything fine. Only minor corrections will be required. First I plan to reduce rudder throw slightly.
Flying curves is interesting: Rotation in a curve is best controlled by rudder and the "aileron" is just used to control banking. Also pretty large curve angles didn't show nose-diving tendencies. Pitch is mainly used to keep level in curves. The altitude is best controlled by throttle. Cool thing!
Now some more test flights will follow. I hope to be able to hand-launch the Whirlywing later on. For this some headwind will be required to help accelerating the rotor.
In the mean time winter came. I have mounted the skis of the Super Chart to the Whirlywing to be able to use the cold season for flying. They fit perfectly.
Up to now I was able to fly three times with the skis. Because I know the characteristics of the autogyro now, I can handle it pretty well. I have increased the expo setting on all three axis to 30% which eases control a bit.