Construction of the Autogyro Whirlywing

Here you can find the documentation of the construction phase of my Whirlywing autogyro. Informations about the design you can find here.


First material is available:


First material for the Whirlywing



After an interruption caused by holydays and an intermediate project for my son the material acquisition is mostly finished.


Complete material set for the Whirlywing



The rotor hub is done. There are quite a number of pieces:


Parts of the Whirlywing's rotor hub


The assebled hub looks like this:


Top view of the Whirlywing's rotor hubBottom view of the Whirlywing's rotor hub



This is how the rotor blades are made:


Construction of the rotor blades of the Whirlywing



Done. The rotor is finished. Quite some balsa dust is produced until the blades are shaped. I made four blades because the material was there anyway. Now I have a spare blade (you never know). The attatchment points are reinforced with a tubular stiffener and wooden plates.


The rotor blades are readyAttachment of the rotor blades


Balancing the whole rotor is crucial to avoid vibrations during rotation. With 150 g of rotating mass unbalances can produce quite some forces. Additionally I counterbored the screw heads of the blade holders on the hub to allow the blades to slew without collision with the heads.


Balancing of the rotorRotor hub with counterbored screw heads



The next finished unit is the rotorhead. The linkages for pitch and roll control are made with ball heads.


Parts of the rotor headThe assembled rotor head



The rotor mast is accomplished except some filling parts to attach it to the fuselage.


The rotor mast of the WhirlywingThe rotor mast with mounted rotor head


The baby is growing:


Rotor, Rotorkopf und mast montiert



The main frame of the fuselage is built up and waits for extension:


Main frame of the fuselage



The rotor mast is fitting to the main frame now and the servos with the linkings of the rotor head are rigged:


Main frame with rotor mast and rotor head linkings



Lego bricks are very suitable to create a building slip:


Building slip made of Lego bricks


The basic construction of the fuselage is mainly done:


Basic fuselage construction



The Whirlywing is on its own feet for the first time:


The first time on the own feet


The main and the tail landing gear are fixed like this:


Attachment of the main landing gearAttachment of the tail landing gear



The stabilizers are ready...


The stabilizers are ready


and the motor is mounted:


Fitting of the motor



A first assembly attempt before planking the fuselage shall show if everything can be mounted correctly. A potential pilot already took a seat in the cockpit.


The whole construction with unplanked fuselage


Oops: A design fault sneaked in. The rotor blades collide with the rudder. I will shorten the blades slightly. This will increase the rotor disk loading for about 4% which will hopefully not have serious influence to the flight caracteristics.


Design fault: the rotor blades collide with the rudder



Finally the fuselage is planked:


The planked fuselage


Now the complete model can be built up for a final check before starting the finish.


And this is how the machine looks like fully assembled:


The completely assembled Whirlywing without finish



Disassembly for starting the finish:


Big disassembly for finish



It is done. The Whirlywing is ready for maiden flight. Fuselage, rotor blades and stabilizers are coated with Oracover. The cowling is spray colored with Duplicolor 5-0550 car paint. This color shade matches best with the ferrari red of the fuselage.


The Whirlywing is ready for flightWhirlywing back view


Whirlywing front view



The pilot seems to feel comfortable in his cockpit:


Pilot in the cockpitInstrument panel in the cockpit



Through the top covers the access for maintenance is given:


The top covers are openedDeeper insight in the inner life



Now some tests and dry runs will follow to get a feeling for the possible flight characteristics. Not till then the first flight experiments can start.



The rotor head with pre-rotator is ready. The main gear with overrunning clutch comes from the T-Rex 450. The motor is running at a bit too high speed but it has more than enough power. The rotor is fit to the rotor shaft with a propeller adapter.


The new rotor head with pre-rotatorRotor head with pre-rotator



The next thing to do are tests with ground and hand launch. As soon as the conditions match it will start.



Continuation here.