Sea Vixen EDF-Jet

Manufacturer: Durafly
Wing span: 1000 mm

1600 g

Motor: 70mm EDF
Control functions: Elevator, aileron, motor, retractable gear, nose wheel control
Year of constuction:  2013


The DH110 Sea Vixen is a jet model with EDF impulsion. The kit is available as PNF (Plug and Fly) and ARF (Almost Ready for Flight). I went for the PNF because all components including EDF, servos and retractable gear are pre-installed already. Only the receiver and the battery must be contributed still.


Parts of the Sea Vixen


The components can easily be glued together and in no time the Sea Vixen is ready for flight.


Sea Vixen ready for flight

Sea Vixen front viewSea Vixen rear view


The Sea Vixen is pretty rapid on the way but is very easy to control. She is running as if she was on rails. Only on hand launch a firm throw is required.


The Sea Vixen is sold. The high speed on the grass landings caused damages over and over again and reduced the usage time heavily.