Autogyro Whirlywing


Manufacturer: My own construction
Rotor diameter: 980 mm
Wheight: 1340 g
Motor: Multiplex Himax HC 3510-1100
Control functions: Directly controlled rotor for pitch and roll, rudder, motor
Year of construction:  2010


With the Whopper I was caught by the autogyro fever. After completing the Super Chart I wanted to construct something myself from scratch. Why not an autogyro? After some research in the internet I started the design on the PC. After a year I could start with the construction. After another year maiden flight took place on September 3rd 2010 under gym hall conditions. This piece is flying excellently.


Side view of the WhirlywingFront view of the Whirlywing


A construction report you can find here.


Unfortunately the Whirlywing has passed away. It probably got a little too heavy after adding the pre-rotator. It has always been a bit overweight. Now it nosedived in a downwind curve and crashed into a field. The fuselage is still more or less ok. The rest is badly damaged. I will put the fuselage away and maybe reuse it in a redesigned version with a larger rotor.